Who Inspires Us.

Women who devote, teach, sacrifice, love, nourish, empathise, go through pain, heartache, surgery and so much more. We see your strength and we want you to know we admire you, dearly.

I can’t actually pin point the moment I decided to make the Boob Club. Most likely came from experiencing motherhood challenges first-hand. Maybe after comforting my nana post surgery after undergoing a double mastectomy at age 88. It may have happened after supporting a dear friend who was left solo to mother two babies under two. Whatever it was, It became apparent to me that as I leaped into my 30’s, myself and the women around me were confronted with life’s challenges, and having each other to lean on was, well, beautiful. I realised how important these women (and all women) are and I wanted to create something to unify us by.

The strength shown in women is inspiring, empowering and overall, uniting.

Life is a roller coaster as they say… Don’t ride it alone.

We hope you enjoy being apart of the Boob Club and have the encouragement and support that we all wish to endeavour.

10% of all sales will be donated to the Australian Breast Cancer Foundation.